Tips On Successfully Purchasing on Poshmark

If you would have asked me 5 years ago if I would be buying clothes second-hand, I probably would have laughed. For multiple reasons, thrifting has never been for me:

1. I’ve never had the patience to sort through racks that are stuffed with clothes. It’s the same reason I have never had success at stores like TJ Maxx or Marshalls. It’s just too overwhelming!

and 2. I always have a hard time finding clothes that I like and that fit well. I’m very particular about what I like and I’ve rarely found those items at second-hand stores.

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Welcome to Trees & Honeybees. My name is Erin and this is my little corner of the internet where I share my attempts at being a bit more environmentally friendly. You won’t find perfection here- I still use an Oral-B toothbrush, I commute to work in a car, and I can’t fit all my trash into a mason jar (though, you’ll find I pretty much use them for everything else). I am working on slowly making changes to my daily routine that are more thoughtful and hopefully, you’ll be inspired to make small changes here and there as well.

A few things to note about me: I (temporarily) live in CT but commute to Boston for work (See my above note on not being perfect). Location obviously effects the resources that I have available but I am going to make an effort to highlight not only environmentally- friendly, low-waste resources in Boston but also CT as well. Both have their perks and I hope to show that whether you live in the city or in the country, there is always something small you can do.

So, what can you expect here? Well, I’m hoping to focus on a wide-range of tips and tricks to help inspire you to live more eco-friendly. I’ll be doing product reviews, DIYs, and Community Spotlights showcasing local businesses who are working to do better. I’ll also just be living my life as eco-friendly as possible over on my IG trees_and_honeybees so come say hi!